Fashionable alternatives to wearing a wig

Headwear for Hair Loss | Cancer Head Covering | Alopecia Headwear

You’ve recently been diagnosed with cancer or alopecia and told most if not all of your hair could possible fall out. The first instinct is typically, after a bit of shock, fear, and mourning, to go buy a wig. Why look “sick” if you don’t have to? After an extensive Google search you drive to a local wig shop and try on a few. There are pink ones, curly ones, blonde and ginger ones; so many fun choices. Do you go classy or trendy? This is a tough, and potentially expensive, decision. In the end you leave with a wig that looks exactly like your hair, and a much lighter wallet.


Days, maybe weeks pass and you wear your new hair to work and dinners out. It’s not comfortable, in fact it’s very hot and scratchy on your scalp, but it gives you  a sense of security. The wig gives you a tiny bit of normal when your world has been turned upside down. Your friends invite you out for some live music or a day at the beach. You accept, but then begin to panic knowing wearing a wig to the beach or a smokey venue isn’t a great idea. Back to Google.


Baseball hats, sun hats, ooh a sombrero could be fun! Scarves, but how do you tie a scarf on your head? This seems complicated. Pre-tied scarves…What a great idea! Who thought of these and why don’t you already own one in every color? So many colors, so many fabrics, so many choices, but most look kind of cheap and unflattering. More Google, more choices–one that stands out: the beaubeau scarf. These scarves are pre-tied, come in beautiful stylish fabrics that are silk and rayon. They have long tails so you can style your scarf like hair. The scarf makes it look like you have hair underneath? They have several patents on the design, who knew you could patent a scarf? These scarves give an illusion of fullness and the customer reviews are raving about how comfortable they are. Many are lined in soft cotton, specifically designed to give comfort to your tender skin, and some are even reversible. They come with a scrunchie and are sized, because womens heads are not one size fits all. They are handmade in the USA! Best of all, they are significantly lighter on your wallet than a wig.

You’ve found it, the perfect alternative to a wig! When you want to be comfortable, fashionable and secure, wear a beaubeau scarf from