Blog for a Cure– A community of cancer survivors offering each other support, and a space to share their personal stories.
Breast– Breast Cancer Prevention and Support
Breast– Accessible, understandable and compassionate information about breast cancer. An extensive resource with up to date medical information.
Breast Cancer Partner– Breast Cancer Partner functions as a “partner” to breast cancer survivors (and their families) who are nearing the end of or have completed treatment, are on their journey to recovery, or who are cancer free. Their goal is to help breast cancer survivors effectively cope with and manage life post-treatment, empower them to become their own health and wellness advocate and adopt a lifestyle and practices aimed at cancer prevention and survival.
Breast Cancer Support– Informative breast cancer support with many different topic threads.
Breast Intentions– A not for profit that helps women diagnosed with breast cancer by offering financial support and other resources.
Breast Investigators– Breast Investigators is an informational website and social network where members share knowledge on the prevention, early detection, treatment, survivorship and advocacy of breast cancer.
Cancer Care– Cancer Support and Information
Chemo Cargo– Free Chemotherapy bags distributed in Northern Illinois.
Cancer Services Online– Cancer Resources
Cinco Vidas– A company focused on helping those living with cancer, Cinco Vidas provides information about solutions that alleviate the side effects of treatment and works to create awareness about carcinogens in food, the environment and personal care products.
Elyn Jacobs– Holistic Cancer Strategist and coach. She offers recipes and lifestyle tips.
Financial Resources for Cancer Patients
FORCE- a national nonprofit organization devoted to individuals and
families affected by hereditary breast and ovarian cancer or in which a
BRCA mutation is present.
Foundation for Womens Cancer– The Foundation offers comprehensive information by cancer type to help guide you through your diagnosis and treatment.
Hair Loss in Women– a national health organization committed to the education and support of women suffering from medical hair loss.
Hope for two– a support network for pregnant women diagnosed with cancer.
Living Beyond Breast Cancer– Information, community and support.
Lymphedivas– Fashionable compression apparel for the savvy and stylish breast cancer survivor to inspire her to feel strong, beautiful, and confident.
Mesothelioma– An informative resource guide to mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma and Women- A guide for women during and after a mesothelioma diagnosis.
My Lifeline– a nonprofit organization that encourages cancer
patients and caregivers to create free, customized websites. Their mission is to empower patients and caregivers to build an online support community of family and friends to foster connection, inspiration, and healing.
National Breast Cancer Foundation– Breast Cancer Education and Free Mamograms
Pink Link– A social community for breast cancer survivors
Pink Ribbon Program– Post Operative exercises and health information.
Scalp Cooling– the benefits, procedure, and cost
SHARE Cancer Support– A really wonderful organization to ensure that no one face breast cancer or ovarian cancer alone. New York City based with national hotlines for breast and ovarian cancer.
Susan G. Komen– Cancer research and more
Tiger Lily Foundation– Educating, advocating for, empowering and providing hands-on support to young women – before, during and after breast cancer.
Young Survival Coalition– Tools and resources for pre-menopausal women facing cancer.